
Список литературы на "N"


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Nakajima Y, Miyazono K, Kato M, Takase M, Yamagishi T, Nakamura H.(1997). Extracellular fibrillar structure of latent TGF beta binding protein-1: role in TGF beta-dependent endothelial-mesenchymal transformation during endocardial cushion tissue formation in mouse embryonic heart.J Cell Biol.V.136:1 193-204
Nakajima Y, Mironov V; Yamagishi T; Nakamura H; Markwald R.R.(1997). Expression of smooth muscle alpha-actin in mesenchymal cells during formation of avian endocardial cushion tissue: a role for transforming growth factor beta3.Dev Dyn.V.209(3):296-309
Nakajima Y, T. Yamagishi, H. Nakamura, R. R. Markwald, E. L. Krug (1998). An Autocrine Function for Transforming Growth Factor (TGF)-β3 in the Transformation of Atrioventricular Canal Endocardium into Mesenchyme during Chick Heart Development.Develop. Biol.V.194, n 1, p99-113
Narita N, Bielinska M, Wilson DB.(1997). Wild-type endoderm abrogates the ventral developmental defects associated with GATA-4 deficiency in the mouse.Dev Biol.V. 189:2 270-4
Nascone N., Mercola M. (1995). An inductive role for the entoderm in Xenopus cardiogenesis Develop.V. 121. P. 515-523
Nascone N., Mercola M. (1997).Organizer induction determines left-right asymmetry in Xenopus.Dev Biol.V. 189:1 68-78.


Nittenberg R., Patel K, Joshi Y, Krumlauf R, Wilkinson DG, Brickell PM, Tickle C, Clarke JD.(1997). Сell movements, neuronal organisation and gene expression in hindbrains lacking morphological boundaries.Develop.V. 124:12 2297-306
Nietto M.A., Sechrist D.G., Wilkinson D.G., Bronner-Fraser M. Relationship between spatially restricted Krox-20 gene expression in branchial neural crest and segmentation in the chick embryo hindbrain. EMBO J. (1997).V.14.P.1697-1710
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