
Список литературы на "T"


Tanaka H, Nishida K, Sugita K, Yoshioka T.(1999). Antitumor efficacy of hypothemycin, a new Ras-signaling inhibitor. Jpn.J.Cancer Res. V.90. No 10. P. 1139-1145
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Tanii I., K. Yoshinaga, K. Toshimori (1999). Morphogenesis of the acrosome during the final steps of rat spermiogenesis with special reference to tubulobolbar complexes Anat. Rec.V.256. N2. P. 195-201
Takihara Y, H Tomotsune D, Shirai M, Katoh-Fukui Y, Nishii K, Motaleb MA, Nomura M, Tsuchiya R, Fujita Y, Shibata Y, Higashinakagawa T, Shimada K .(1997). Targeted disruption of the mouse homologue of the Drosophila polyhomeotic gene leads to altered anteroposterior patterning and neural crest defects. Development.v.124:19 3673-82
Tasaka H , Krug E.L, Markwald R. R.(1996). Origin of the pulmonary venous orifice in the mouse and its relation to the morphogenesis of the sinus venosus, extracardiac mesenchime (Spina Vestibuli), and atrium. Anat. Rec.v.246: 107-113.


Tebar M., Boex J.J.M., Ten Have-Opbroek A.A.W.(2001). Functional overexpression of wild-type p53 correlates with alveolar cell differentiation in the developing human lung Anat.Rec . V.263. P. 25-34.


Thayer J.M, Schoenwolf G.C. (1998). Early expression of osteopontin in the chick is restricted to rhombomere 5 and 6 and to a subpopulation of neural crest cells that arise from these segments. Anat.Rec . V.250. N 2.P. 199-209
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Thomas, P. Q., Brown, A. and Beddington, R. S. P(1998).Hex: a homeobox gene revealing peri-implantation asymmetry in the mouse embryo and an early transient marker of endothelial cell precursors. Developmentv 125 : 85-94.
Thornell L.-E., L. Carlsson, Z. Li, M. Mericskay, D. Paulin (1997) Null Mutation in the Desmin Gene Gives Rise to a Cardiomyopathy J.Mol. Cell. Cardiol.v 29, n 8, p2107-2124.


Tomy P.M., Anilkumar N.P., Sudhakaran P.R. (1994). Multiple laminin binding proteins in human fetal heart Devel.Growth & Differ.v 36.No 3.P.333-340.
Toyota N. (1993) Expression of troponin C genes during development in the chicken Int.J.Dev.Biol.v 37. No.4. P. 531-537.


Traber L.A., Sun H, Clark E.B, Keller B.B.(1994). Epicardial strains in embryonic chick ventricle at stage 16 throgh 24 Circ. Res.V.75. P.896-903
Tremblay E., Menard D. (1996). Differential expression of extracellular matrix components during the morphogenesis of human gastric mucosa Anat Rec.V.245. P.668-676
Treolar H.B, Purcell A.L, Greer CA.(1999). Glomerular formation in the developing rat olfactory bulb. J.Comp. Neurol.V. 413. P. 289-304


Tsuda T., Philp N., Zile M.H. Linask K.K.(1996). Left-right assymetric localization of flectin in the extracellular matrix during heart looping Dev.Biol. V.173. P.39-50 .
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