Sry-type HMG box (Sox)

Sox (Sry-type HMG box) белки, которые образуют подсемейство ДНК-связывающих белков с high-mobility-group (HMG) доменом, выполняют критическую функцию в ряде онтогенетичских процессов, включая предопределение пола, нейрогенез и формирование скелета. Отдельные члены Sox семейства обнаруживают более 50% идентичности своего HMG домена с Sry, тестис-детерминирующим фактором. Sassone-Corsi и др.установили, что Sox белки кроме того участвуют в сплайсинге pre-messenger RNA (pre-mRNA)

О роли генов семейства Sox в развитии глаз смотри ЗДЕСЬ


Sox10 overexpression induces neural crest-like cells from all dorsoventral levels of the neural tube but inhibits differentiation
S.J.McKeown, V.M.Lee, M.Bronner-Fraser, D.F. Newgrren, P.G.Farlie (
Dev.Dyn. - 2005. - 233, № 2. - Р. 430-444

SoxE гены (Sox8-10) являются ранними генами индукции нервного гребня. Результаты анализа показали. что Sox10 присутствует в мигрирующих клетках нервного гребня, тогда как другие SoxE гены экспрессируются лишь временно после индукции. Эктопическая экспрессия Sox10 в нервной трубке на уровне туловища индуцирует экспрессию HNK-1 в нейроэпителиальных клетках, сопровождаемой экстенсивной эмиграцией со всех уровней дорсо-вентральной оси нервной трубки, включая и донную пластинку. Sox10-экспрессирующие клетки не способны экспрессируовать маркеры, характерные для нейронов, Шванновских клеток и меланоцитов в течение 6 дней после трансфекции (Е8), указывая тем самым. что эти клетки сохраняются в недифференцированном состоянии. Избыточная экспрессия Sox8 или Sox9 оказывает сходный, но не идентичный эффект на нейроэпителиальные клетки. Эти результаты показывают, что высокие уровни Sox8-10 в нервной трубке способны индуцировать миграторный фенотип клеток, сходных с клетками нервного гребня, даже в отсутсвие дорсальных сигналов и могут поддерживать эти клетки в недифференцированном состоянии.


SoxlO Is Expressed in Migratory Trunk Neural Crest Cells Up-regulation of SoxE genes appears to be an early response to neural crest induction, with Sox9 expressed in premigratory neural crest and SoxlO expressed as migration begins. After emigration from the neural tube, Sox9 is down-regulated in the migrating population. Its primary expression pattern at times of neural crest migration is not in the neural crest but in the notochord and somitic sclerotome. In contrast, SoxlO is expressed on migrating trunk neural crest cells as they move through the rostral portion of the sclerotome. It is then down-regulated in the neural crest cells localized ventrally around the dorsal aorta where sympathetic neuroblasts congregate and differentiate. As neural crest derivatives form, SoxlO remains on in condensing dorsal root ganglia and is re-expressed on the sympathetic ganglia as well as melanoblast precursors. In contrast to Sox9 and 10, Sox8 is expressed only transiently in neural crest cells at their earliest times of migration.

SoxE Genes Convert Trunk Neural Tube Cells Into Migratory Neural Crest-Like Cells

Ectopic expression of SoxlO, as well as other SoxE family members, causes neural tube cells to undergo an EMT and leave the neural tube at all dorgo-ventral levels. Previous studies have also shown that Sox9 and FoxD3 cause an excess of emigration from intermediate levels of the neural tube (Dottori et al., 2001; Cheung and Briscoe, 2003), but it was not clear if this finding represented a dorsal expansion or if ventral neural tube cells could respond independently by undergoing an EMT. To address this question, we targeted the ventral-most neural tube, including the region that normally forms the floor plate. Although intermediate neural tube can form neural crest, the ventral-most portion adjacent to the floor plate is normally refractory to neural crest induction by ectoderm in vitro (Dickinson et al., 1995). In contrast, ectopic expression of SoxE genes appears sufficient to allow these cells to emigrate from the neural tube and express some characteristics of neural crest cells. SoxE transfected floor plate cells did not express characteristic markers of floor plate cells such as HFN3p; however, adjacent un-transfected floor plate cells did express such markers. A small number of Schwann cells in the proximal ventral root arise from the ventral neural tube during normal development (Weston, 1963; Rickmann et al., 1985; Lunn et al., 1987). However, the neural crest-like cells formed after ectopic SoxE expression were present in large numbers and migrated far beyond the proximal ventral root.
These results suggest that expression of any SoxE gene is sufficient to drive neuroepithelial cells to express some neural crest markers, undergo EMT, and migrate from any dorso-ventral level of the neural tube. The normally coordinated and dynamic expression of BMP4 and its inhibitor Noggin have been shown to initiate the EMT of neural crest cells from the neural tube (Sela-Donenfeld and Kalcheim, 1999). When added to neural tube explants, BMP4 can induce migratory neural crest-like cells from the intermediate neural tube (Liem et al., 1995). However, ectopic expression of SoxE genes did not result in up-regulation of BMP4 (Cheung and Briscoe, 2003). Other growth factors such as Wnt proteins have also been implicated in induction of the neural crest (Garcia-Cas-tro et al., 2002; Wu et al., 2003). Wnt3a is up-regulated for 12 hr after Sox9 overexpression; however, over-expression of Wnt3a alone in neural tube cells does not induce EMT or HNK-1 expression (Cheung and Briscoe, 2003).
Sonic hedgehog (Shh) is expressed by the notochord and induces the development of the floor plate (Patten and Placzek, 2000). Shh is distributed in a ventral-dorsal gradient throughout the neural tube and is required for patterning the ventral neural tube. In vitro studies have shown that Shh can inhibit induction of the neural crest at an early stage and inhibit neural crest cell migration (Selleck et al., 1998; Testaz et al., 2001). However, SoxE transfected ventral neural tube cells, despite being exposed to high levels of Shh, underwent migration comparable to that of transfected lateral neural tube cells at some distance from the source of Shh. This observation is consistent with the finding that noto-chord grafts, in the presence of normal dorsalizing signals do not prevent development or migration of neural crest cells (Artinger and Bronner-Fraser, 1992).
BMP4 up-regulates expression of RhoB, a marker of premigratory neural crest cells in the dorsal neural tube. Inhibition of Rho activity using a C3 exotoxin prevented the EMT of HNK-1-expressing neural crest cells (Liu and Jessell, 1998). However, SoxE or FoxD3 transfection results in an expanded region of delamination and repression of endogenous RhoB (Dottori et al., 2001; Cheung and Briscoe, 2003). Furthermore, RhoB is not expressed in the ventral neural tube, yet expression of SoxE genes induces substantial levels of EMT, HNK-1 expression, and cell migration. Thus, the relationship of RhoB to EMT is unclear. It is clearly not involved in migration, because it is down-regulated at migratory stages of neural crest development (Liu and Jessell, 1998), suggesting it might function transiently to prevent premature EMT.
Slug has been demonstrated to be involved in induction of neural crest and may also be important in EMT (Nieto et al., 1994; LaBonne and Bronner-Fraser, 2000; del Barrio and Nieto, 2002), although Slug expression cannot promote neural crest formation in the presence of Noggin at trunk levels (Sela-Donenfeld and Kalcheim, 1999). Whereas overexpression of SoxE genes and FoxD3 resulted in neural tube cells undergoing an EMT, this finding was not associated with up-regulation of Slug. Cheung and Briscoe (2003) observed an up-regulation of Slug after Sox9 overexpression at 6 hpe. This difference may be due to differences in the axial level, stage electroporated, and time of analysis. Slug is more highly expressed at cranial levels in premigratory and migratory neural crest, and overexpression of Slug increases the amount of cranial but not trunk neural crest (del Barrio and Nieto, 2002). Together, these findings provide support for the proposal that ectopic SoxE and FoxD3 expression can induce EMT of neural tube cells independent of RhoB and Slug, possibly by driving expression of downstream effectors of EMT and migration that are separate to the Slug and RhoB pathway (Dottori et al., 2001). Thus, whereas RhoB and Slug may be involved normally in the pro* cess of neural crest generation, they may not be essential for EMT of neural tube-derived cells.

SoxE Overexpression Affects Migration Pathways

The ectopic emigration of neural tube-derived cells caused by overexpression of SoxE genes nevertheless resulted in production of cells with migratory behaviors that only partially replicated those observed in endogenous neural crest. The neural crest-like cells migrated segmentally through the rostral but not caudal hemisomites similar to endogenous neural crest cells. However, many SoxE transfected cells were also dispersed in the dorsoven-tral plane and located in sites inappropriate for neural crest cells. SoxE transfected cells in the dermis did not colocalize exactly with endogenous melanocytes but rather were found in deeper layers.
Differences were noted between different SoxE family members. Ven-trally transfected SoxlO cells migrating from the ventral neural tube mainly followed axon pathways, such as the ventral root, and maintained a distance from the noto-chord. In contrast, Sox9 transfected cells were far more dispersed in the dorsoventral plane, and many Sox9 and Sox8 transfected cells were observed adjacent to the notochord, a zone normally strictly avoided by neural crest cells (Newgreen et al., 1986). SoxlO is normally expressed by migrating neural crest cells, whereas expression of Sox8 and Sox9 is down-regulated in migrating trunk crest cells. SoxlO and Pax3 promote expression of c-Ret (Lang et al., 2000), a receptor for glial cell-derived neurotro-phic factor (GDNF), which is involved in enteric neural crest chemotaxis (Young et al., 2001). It is possible that overexpression of SoxlO allows expression of cell surface receptor molecules required to detect some normal cues involved in neural crest pathfind-ing, whereas Sox8 and Sox9 do not allow normal expression or function of such molecules. Consistent with this hypothesis, many more Sox8 or Sox9 compared with SoxlO transfected cells migrated into the region surrounding the notochord, a region known to be rich in repulsive molecules such as proteoglycans and Shh (Newgreen et al., 1986; Testaz et al., 2001).
One observed cell surface change induced by SoxE gene expression is the maintenance of N-cadherin expression. N-cadherin is normally strongly expressed by neuroepithelial cells and removed from cell junctions when neural crest cells migrate from the neural tube (Akitaya and Bronner-Fraser, 1992; Monier-Gavelle and Du-band, 1995; Nakagawa and Takeichi, 1998). SoxE transfected cells are clearly mesenchymal and highly migratory in nature, raising the question of the role of N-cadherin in maintaining neuroepithelial cellular morphology. Overexpression of N-cadherin causes failure of premigratory neural crest cells to migrate from the neural tube (Nakagawa and Takeichi, 1998). Whereas N-cadherin is normally associated with neuroepithelial cells, its expression is not sufficient to maintain them in an epithelial state in the presence of high levels of SoxE gene expression.

Overexpression of SoxE Genes Maintains Cells in an Undifferentiated State

All three SoxE genes failed to drive differentiation of the transfected population into any particular lineage. A small proportion of transfected cells differentiated into Schwann cells as detected by the marker Po. The location of transfected cells was in many cases appropriate for Schwann cells or melanocytes, yet only some axon-associated cells expressed the Schwann cell marker Po, and no cells in the dermis expressed the nielanocyte marker MEBL-1. None of the very few SoxE transfected cells observed within ganglia expressed the neuronal marker HuC/HuD. These findings are in accord with and extend the in vitro observation that overexpression of SoxlO in neural crest cells inhibited differentiation into neuronal lineages and preserved multipotency (Kim et al., 2003). These results contrast with previous observations of neural crest differentiation after Sox9 over-expression (Cheung and Briseoe, 2003), possibly resulting from axial level differences.
Our data indicate high-level expression of all SoxE genes can maintain neural tube-derived cells in an undif-ferentiated state in vivo and inhibit transfected cells from localizing in sites of neurogenesis. However, the reason for lack of differentiation remains unclear. High-level expression of Sox9 is associated with and necessary for cartilage formation by both cranial neural crest and mesoder-mally derived cells (Bi et al., 2001; Spokony et al., 2002; Mori-Akiyama et al., 2003), and SoxlO promotes expression of melanocyte and Schwann cell genes (Bondurand et al., 2000, 2001; Peirano et al., 2000; Potterf et al., 2000; Britsch et al., 2001). This finding indicates that, expressed at normal levels, SoxE genes are not in themselves inhibitory to differentiation. Of interest, SoxlO overexpres-sion from the two-cell stage in Xeno-pus greatly increased the number of pigment cells expressing Trp-2 (Aoki et al., 2003).
Sox family members are believed to often pair with a cofactor to activate expression of downstream targets (Kamachi et al., 2000; Wilson and Koopman, 2002). It is possible that overexpression of SoxE genes at an early stage in neural crest development gives an imbalance in relation to the expression of cofactors required for differentiation. SoxlO and Pax3 interact to promote expression of the melanocyte gene Mitf (Bondurand et al., 2000; Potterf et al., 2000); however, we did not observe Pax3 expression in SoxlO transfected cells, so this imbalance may have been sufficient to prevent melanocyte differentiation. Furthermore, SoxlO is expressed only transiently in melanoblasts, whereas SoxlO transfected cells maintained expression until at least E8. Similarly, high-level expression driven by the p-actin promoter used in our expression constructs may provide an excess of SoxE protein, overriding the effects of differentiation-promoting co-factors. Promoters of several SoxE gene targets such as Po contain dimeric and monomeric binding sites (Peirano et al., 2000; Peirano and Wegner, 2000; Schlierf et al., 2002; Bernard et al., 2003). The functional consequences of monomeric and dimeric binding are unclear but expression of high levels of SoxE genes may interfere with the balance between these binding modes, resulting in failure to activate normally SoxE responsive promoters. Alternatively, overexpression of SoxE genes within the neural tube results in extensive migration of neural crest-like cells but at a considerably later stage than the endogenous neural crest. It is possible that a proportion of SoxE induced migratory cells are unable to access the normal differentiation microenviron-ments and signals due to the late stage at which they migrate and, therefore, are inhibited from differentiating.

Interactions Between SoxE Genes and FoxD3

The similarities between overexpression of SoxE genes and FoxD3 suggest that these genes act in a similar manner and raise the possibility that they may interact with each other at some level. FoxD3 and Sox9 overexpression induced SoxlO expression within the neural tube, indicating that they are both upstream of SoxlO. In addition, Sox8 was weakly up-regulated by Sox9. This finding is consistent with the finding that Sox9 and FoxD3 expression begins earlier in the prospective neural crest than either Sox8 or SoxlO (Cheung and Briseoe, 2003). The level of up-regulation of Sox8 and SoxlO after Sox9 overexpression was slight in comparison to the endogenous expression level of these genes, suggesting that additional factors are required to drive high-level expression. SoxlO overexpression repressed expression of FoxD3, indicating that there is a feedback mechanism linking these transcription factors during neural crest development.
Similarities between overexpression of SoxE genes suggest that SoxE genes may be able to compensate for each other in the production of migratory neural crest cells, but are less competent to do so when required for later development in separate sublin-eages in which SoxE expression patterns do not overlap. Compound knockout or knockdown of SoxE genes at different stages of neural crest development are required to help further define the function and interrelationships of SoxE genes in neural crest development.

О роли генов семейства Sox-10 в развитии нервной системы кишечника смотри ЗДЕСЬ

О трансактивации рецепторов никотин ацетилхолина с помощью Sox10 смотри ЗДЕСЬ
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