Рис. 4. Тракты волокон представлены малыми, а ядра большими буквами. Соседние фронтальные срезы окращены антителами против cadherin-6B (cad-6B; A), cadherin-7 (cad-7; B), R-cadherin (R-cad; C), и N-cadherin (N-cad; D). Срез, показанный на (E) окрашен на радиальную глию антителами R5. Срез (F) окрашен на субстанцию Nissl с помощью тионина. Стрелки в точках одних и тех же видимых границ нейромеров всех срезов (граница между pretectum, PT, и дорсальным thalamus, DT). Др. обозначения (см. ниже).
Fig. 5. Expression of four cadherins by brain nuclei and fiber tracts in the chicken diencephalon at 11 days of incubation. Fiber tracts are represented by small characters and brain nuclei by capitals. Adjacent frontal sections were stained with antibodies against cadherin-6B (cad-6B; A), cadherin-7 (cad-7; B), R-cadherin (R-cad; C), and N-cadherin (N-cad; D). The section shown in (E) was stained for radial glia with antibody R5 (kindly provhrefed by U. Därger). The section in (F) was stained for Nissl substance with thionine. The arrows point at the same neuromere boundary visible in all stains (border between the pretectum, PT, and the dorsal thalamus, DT). Other abbreviations, ALA, anterior nucleus of the ansa lenticularis; DIP, dorsointermediate posterior nucleus; dsv, ventral supraoptic decussation; ET, epithalamus; ict, isthmo-commissural tract; io, isthmo-optic tract; fr, retroflex fascicle; GT, griseum tectale; GV, ventral geniculate nucleus; HM, medial habenula; IH, inferior hypothalamic nucleus; ITO, prospective interstitial nucleus of the optic tract; Mes, mesencephalon; om, occipito-mesencephalic tract; p4 and p5, prosomeres 4 and 5; POV, periovohrefal area; R, nucleus rotundus; Ral, anterolateral portion of nucleus rotundus; Ri, intermediate portion of nucleus rotundus; Rpl, posterolateral portion of nucleus rotundus; RR, retrorotundic area; SMC, microcellular superficial nucleus; sme, stria medullaris; Tect, tectum; tt, tecto-thalamic tract; and VT, ventral thalamus (prosomere 3). Scale bar = 0.5 mm. Data are from the study by (187'Redies et al. (2000).

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