
Список литературы на "Y"


Ya J.,Markman MWM, Wagenaar GTM, Bloomaart PJE, Moorman AFM, Lamers W.H. (1997). Expression of the smooth-muscle proteins alpha smooth-muscle actin and calponin, amd of the intermediate filament protein desmin are parameters of cardiomyocite maturation in prenatal rat heart Anat.Rec. V.249. P.495-505.
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Yutzey K.E., Rhee J.T., Bader D.(1994) Expression of the atrial-specific myosin heavy chain AMHC1 and the establishment of anteroposterior polarity in the developing chicken heart. Develop. V.120. P.871-883.
Yutzey K.E., Bader D.(1995) Diversification of cardiomyogenic cell lineages during early heart development. Circ.Res. V.77.No.2.P.216-219 .
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