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Ровно 100 лет тому назад испанский нейробиолог Santiago Ramon y Cajal описал новый тип органелл в ядрах нейронов позвоночных. Ныне называемые тельцами Кахаля (Cajal) эти органеллы появляются во многих типах елеток у широкго круга животных и растений. Недавние исследования показали, что тельца Кахаля выполняют мнгочисленные роли по сборке и/или модификации кухни (machinery) ядерной транскрипции и процессинга РНК. (THE CENTENNIAL OF THE CAJAL BODY Joseph G. GallNature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology4, No 12, 975 -980 (2003); doi:10.1038/nrm1262)
Elena Kiseleva (Institute of Cytology and Genetics, Russia; Paterson Institute for Cancer Research, UK ( продемонстрировала комплексы ядерных пор и тельца Кахаля, связанные с экстенсивной актин-зависимой филаментозной сетью в ядрах ооцитов Xenopus laevis.
Purple и pink псевдо-окрашивание представляет собой анти-coilin-меченные тельца Кахаля и филаментозную сеть, соотв. Еmission scanning electron microscope (DS 130F, Topcon). Bar, 167 nm.
Cajal Bodies
Plant and human nuclei contain between 0 - 10 Cajal bodies (previously called coiled bodies) of ~ 0.1-2.0 µM in diameter (reviewed in Gall, 2000). They are most adundant in very transcriptionally active and proliferating cells, and are less abundant in, or absent from, some primary cells and tissues. Cajal bodies are often found in the vicinity of nucleoli. A major component of Cajal bodies is the protein p80 coilin and upon transcriptional inhibition Cajal bodies disappear and coilin is then found in perinucleolar caps (Ogg and Lamond, 2002). Cajal bodies are also very dynamic, often being seen to split into two, or to fuse with each other (Platani et al., 2002).
Gems are characterised by their association with the proteins SMN and gemin2. They are often found paired or juxtaposed to Cajal bodies and though once considered two separate but related nuclear bodies, Gems and Cajal bodies are now considered to be two manifestations of the same structure. Communication between Cajal bodies and Gems is mediated by coilin (Herbert at al., 2001). Coilin contains symmetrically dimethylated arginine residues (sDMAs) within an RG box, which modulate its affinity for SMN. Inhibition of the methylation, or mutation of the RG box decreases the interaction of coilin with SMN, resulting in the formation of gems that are separate from Cajal bodies. When coilin is methylated Cajal bodies and gems are coincident (Herbert et al., 2002) .
Function of Cajal bodies and Gems
Cajal bodies are involved in snRNP biogenesis and in the trafficking of snoRNPs and snRNPs, which move through the Cajal body en route to nucleoli or splicing speckles (respectively) (Sleeman and Lamond 1999). For example, the spliceosomal U1, U2, U4/U6 and U5 snRNPs localise to these bodies, as well as the U7 snRNP involved in histone 3'-end processing. The U3 and U8 snoRNPs, involved in pre-rRNA processing, also localise to Cajal bodies (Gall, 2000). In addition, several gene loci, including histone (Shopland et al., 2001) , U1, U2, U3, U4, U11 and U12 genes (Jacobs et al., 1999) appear to associate preferentially with Cajal bodies in a manner that is dependent on expression of these loci (Frey and Matera, 2001) .
SMN and an associated protein gemin 2/SIP1 form a complex that plays an essential role in cytoplasmic snRNP biogenesis (Fischer et al., 1997). As with coilin, sDMA modification of Sm snRNPs enhances their binding to the SMN complex (Paushkin et al., 2002). SnRNPs and snoRNPs are assembled in the cytoplasm, imported into the nucleus and then further matured. Cajal bodies appear to contain newly imported RNP particles that then become concentrated into splicing speckles or nucleoli respectively. It is likely that Cajal bodies are sites at which snRNA modification occurs (Ogg and Lamond, 2002). Cajal bodies contain fibrillarin a putative RNA methyltransferase. Mice lacking p80 coilin have only residual Cajal bodies that do not recruit Sm snRNPs and SMN, and the animals have reduced viability (Tucker et al., 2001) .
Cajal bodies/Gems and Disease
Loss of function mutations in the survival of motor neurons (SMN) gene are found in spinal muscular atrophy (Carvalho et al., 1999). Therefore, defects in spliceosomal snRNP assembly may underlie the development of spinal musclular atrophy. The nuclear inclusions seen in neurons from individuals with Huntington's disease and other CAG repeat diseases that result in polyglutamate expansions are often associated with Cajal bodies (Yamada et al., 2001). Cajal bodies are also disrupted in MLL-ELL leukaemia in which the Cajal body protein ELL is fused to MLL (Polak et al., 2003) .
Published Movies of Cajal body dynamics
MBC 10:2297 The Movement of Coiled Bodies Visualized in Living Plant Cells by the Green Fluorescent Protein". K Boudonck et al. (1999).
JCB 151:1561 In Vivo Analysis of Cajal Body Movement, Separation, and Joining in Live Human Cells. M. Platani et al. (2000).