ORIGINAL RESEARCH PAPERS | Takasu, M. A. et al. Modulation of NMDA receptor-dependent calcium influx and gene expression through EphB receptors. Science 295, 491-495 (2002) | Grunwald, I. C. et al. Kinase-independent requirement of EphB2 receptors in hippocampal synaptic plasticity. Neuron 32, 1027-1040 (2001) | Henderson, J. T. et al. The receptor tyrosine kinase EphB2 regulates NMDA-dependent synaptic function. Neuron 32, 1041-1056 (2001) | FURTHER READING Gerlai, R. Eph receptors and neural plasticity. Nature Rev. Neurosci. 2, 205-209 (2001) | Article
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Все это указывает на то, что Eph рецепторы участвуют в синаптической пластичности. Фосфорилирование NMDA рецепторов нуждается в экспресии EphB2 рецепторов полной длины. EphB2, у которых отсутствует внутриклеточный домен, достаточны для устранения эффект а нокаута на синаптическую пластичность.
(Рис.1.) | CaMKII in the postsynaptic density is ideally positioned to detect local Ca2+ entry through the NMDA receptor. (Рис.2.) | Structure and regulation of CaMKII. (Рис.3.) | Different forms of CaMKII activation. (Рис.4.) | CaMKII and its substrate GluR1 are phosphorylated after hippocampal LTP and dephosphorylated after depotentiation. (Рис.5.) | LTP induced by a pairing protocol requires CaMKII activity. (Рис.6.) | Effects of perfusion of active CaMKII on CA1 pyramidal cells. (Рис.7.) | Multiple mechanisms by which CaMKII might enhance transmission. (Рис.8.) | CaMKII activity promotes synaptic maturation in vivo. (Рис.9.) | CaMKII affects cortical plasticity. (Рис.10.) | Learning and memory are affected in animals that express a mutant form of CaMKII. |
Christian Henneberger, Thomas Papouin, Stephane H. R. Oliet (stephane.oliet@inserm.fr) & Dmitri A. RusakovLong-term potentiation depends on release of d-serine from astrocytes Nature 463, 232-236 (14 January 2010) | doi:10.1038/nature08673 |