The genetics of hydatidiform moles: new lights on an ancient disease. | |
Hydatidiform mole (HM) is a human pregnancy with no embryo but cystic degeneration of chorionic villi. The common form of this condition occurs in 1 in every 1500 pregnancies in western societies and at a higher incidence in some geographic regions and populations. Recurrent moles account for 2% of all molar cases and a few of them occur in more than one family member. By studying a familial form of recurrent moles, a recessive maternal locus responsible for this condition was mapped to 19q13.4 and causative mutations identified. The defective protein, NALP7, is part of the CATERPILLAR protein family with roles in pathogen-induced inflammation and apoptosis. The exact role of NALP7 in the pathophysiology of molar pregnancies is unknown yet. NALP7 could have a role either in oogenesis or in the endometrium during trophoblast invasion and decidualization. In this review, we outlined recent advances in the field of HMs and reviewed the literature in the light of the new data.
Рис.1. | Gross morphology of a hydatidiform mole. (a) Photograph taken directly after the evacuation of the tissue showing hydropic degeneration of chorionic villi with visible vesicles. (b) Photograph of another hydatidiform mole after washes and lyses of red blood cells. Рис.2. | Histology of chorionic villi in a complete hydatidiform mole and a normal pregnancy. (a) Complete hydatidiform mole. Microphotographs showing two chorionic villi with hydropic changes and abnormal circumferential proliferation of the trophoblast surrounding the chorionic villi. Note the presence of a cistern in the left villus and the absence of fetal vessels in the two villi. (b) A normal pregnancy of similar gestational age. Note the normal polar arrangements of proliferating trophoblastic cells and the presence of fetal vessels (arrows). Рис.3. | Histopathology of blighted ovum. (a) Chorionic villi with hydropic changes and mild sclerosis. Note the absence of excessive trophoblastic cell proliferation around the chorionic villi. (b) Lower magnification of the same sample showing the presence of an empty gestational sac with the two characteristic layers, chorion (the outer membrane) and amnion (the inner membrane). Рис.4. | NALP7 protein structure and positions of the reported mutations. PYD, pyrin domain (also called DAPIN domain) found in all NALP proteins; NACHT domain found in neuronal apoptosis inhibitor proteins (NAIP), the major histocompatibility complex class II transactivator (CIITA), HET-E and TP1 proteins all involved in sensing intracellular pathogens or their derived molecules; and LRR, leucine-rich repeats. Tabl.1 | History of hydatidiform moles Tabl.2 | History of hydatidiform moles |