Долговременные, низко-молекулярные ингибиторы протеаз и энзимов начинают выступать в качестве лекарственных средств RA. Напр.,
Angiotech Pharma's protease inhibitor Paxceed; Wyeth's ингибитор клеточного цикла CCI-779; J&J's (Scios) p38 MAPK inhibitor SCIO-469; и
AtheroGenics TNF-response-genes модулятор AGIX-4207. Эти продукты м.б. комплементарными к anti-TNFs или нацелены на неподдающихся лечению пациентов и их легче принимать. Др. ключевой областью интересов являются дальнейшие anti-TNF агенты, новые цитокины, ангиогенные молекулы, молекулы клеточной адгезии и ингибиторы IL-1α-converting энзима.
The treatment of RA is dominated in volume by
older, generic drugs, but the market for new
biologics is growing rapidly (FIG. 2). Indeed,with
roughly 165 million sufferers worldwide, and
given that only an estimated 15% of US patients
with RA are currently being treated with biologics,
the market has tremendous potential for
growth.Although penetration of the anti-TNFs
is likely to increase in the near-term, growth of
this class should ultimately begin to tail off,
particularly following the approval of the non-
TNF-targeted competitors including MabThera
and MRA; in addition,novel drug targets are set
to influence the future of RA treatment in the
next decade (TABLE 1).New product classes have
made significant improvements to the treatment
of RA and promising developmental
candidates have led to much optimism surrounding
the chance to control disease progression
(TABLE 2). With significant unmet
clinical need, there is room for further growth
in the RA market.The current growth potential
2003–2008 is predicted to be a 12% increase,
with a market size of US $10 billion by 2008.
Claire Mount and James Featherstone are
Pharmaceuticals and Biotechnology Consultants
at Wood Mackenzie, 5th Floor,Tower 42,
Old Broad Street, London EC2N 1HN, UK.
e-mail: claire.mount@woodmac.com
Online links
The Arthritis foundation: http://www.arthritis.org
National Institutes of Health: http://www.nih.gov/
National Rheumatoid Arthritis Society:
Access to this interactive links box is free online.